CENER Biomass Department performs applied research activities in the field of biomass, providing R&D services and technical assistance to all agents of the sector.
The area is focused on the development & optimization of production processes of bioproducts, solid biofuels, advanced liquid or gaseous biofuels, as well as biorefinery concepts. Indeed, the main pillars are focused on solid biofuels, bioprocesses and comprehensive sustainability assessment.
The main infrastructures in this department include the Biomass Laboratory (biomass & biofuels characterization and process development at lab scale), as well as the Biorefinery and Bioenergy Centre (BIO2C).
The National Renewable Energy Centre of Spain (CENER) develops applied research in renewable energies, and provides technological support to companies and energy institutions in six areas: wind, solar thermal and photovoltaic solar energy, biomass, smart and efficient buildings and districts, and grid integration of energy. CENER is a technology centre with worldwide recognised prestige, activity and experience.