Member of national and international associations in order to share information, network and develop common strategies, such as:
- Europe:
- Bionergy Europe (former AEBIOM)
- IBTC: International Biomass Torrefaction Council
- EERA – Bioenergy: The European Alliance for excellent research in sustainable bioenergy
- BIC: Biobased Industries Consortium
- Spain:
Member of participative fora with the main R&D actors of the sector:
- Europe:
- ETIP Bioenergy: European Technology and Innovation Platform
- Spain:
Active member of different committees:
- National Technical Committee-AENOR:
- AEN/CTN-51 “Oil Products” SC 3 “Fuels”
- AEN/CNT-164 “Solid Biofuels”
- AEN/CTN-303 “Criteria for a Sustainable Production of Biomass”
- European Committee for Standardization-CEN (task force nº CEN/TF/143) Normalization process of the Method for sampling and analysis of tar and particles in biomass gasification product gases (accredited by AENOR as Spanish representative)
- International Organization for Standardization. Technical committee ISO / TC 238 WG2 Solid Biofuels. Fuel specifications and classes.
- Evaluation experts in R&D projects from 6th and 7th Framework Programmes of the European Commission, and for the “Fast Track to Innovation” Instrument of Horizon 2020