Environmental evaluation of alternatives for the treatment of WWTP sludge
- 2021
- To evaluate the environmental impact of the different management options for the treatment of sludge generated in different WWTPs (Wastewater Treatment Plant) of a region, comparing also different management technologies, in order to identify which is the most environmentally sustainable option.
- The environmental assessment of the different scenarios is based on two main aspects:
- Calculation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with each of the scenarios
- Calculation of fossil energy consumption associated with each of the scenarios
- The different technological alternatives evaluated have been:
- Composting
- Thermophilic Autosustainaed Aerobic Digestion (ATAD)
- Mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic digestions (DAM and DAT)
- Different uses of biogas (CHP application on site, replacement of natural gas, use as fuel for transport