ABATE. Valorization of lignocellulosic biomass to advanced bio-based intermediates to substitute fossil hydrocarbons in refineries.
- 2024-2028

Using thermochemical and biochemical technologies, to valorise lignocellulosic biomass into carbon-neutral and cost-competitive advanced bio-based intermediates to replace fossil hydrocarbons in refineries. In short:
- Residual biomass is first converted into fast pyrolysis bio-oil (FPBO) and biochar.
- The CO2 produced is captured and converted into methanol and stabilized into a high-quality intermediate, which can be directly fed into conventional refinery plants.
- This stabilisation is performed via a hydroprocessing step by a novel catalytic system and efficiently integrated with green hydrogen production and biological carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) through biomethanisation.
To valorise the CO2 from the fast pyrolysis off-gas subjected to catalytic hydrotreatment. This transformation of CO2 is carried out by means of a bioconversion to methane with a mixed culture, where the following optimization and upscaling is developed:
- The evolution of the microorganisms through specific adaptation to gas substrate & contaminants, achieving: a reduction in the start-up time of production while increasing the yield and reducing the possible inhibitory impact of the components present in the gas substrate.
- The operation optimization in a trickle bed reactor (TBR), adapting the microorganisms to the working pressure, observing the effect of the H2/CO2 ratio, the gas retention time (GRT) and other parameters such as pH and temperature.
- The scaling up of the biomethanation process in a 100L capacity TBR. Carrying out three tests lasting 30 days each.